Friday 10/04

Pre-order our new PUMPKIN IRON shirts through Monday 10/07. If you have trouble with the google sheet email or DM us your order.

Strength Day

Part 1 - Every 90s x 9 Sets

  • 3-3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1 Push Jerks

  • Build to a heavy single

Part 2 - Every :30 x 8 + Rest 2:00 between sets

  • Set 1 = 1 Clean @ 65-70%

  • Set 2 = 1 Clean @ 70-75%

  • Set 3 = 1 Clean @ 75-80%

Thursday 10/03

PUMPKIN IRON SHIRTS - pre-order is live ! Check out the google sheet link below to order OR email/DM us your sizes. Please let the entire page load first before typing it takes a few seconds. Payment will be due asap. Don’t miss out this pre-order will only be available through this Monday 10/07!!! 🎃🙌🏻

Don’t forget to vote daily ! - Health , Wellness & Beauty section with the subcategory CrossFit

Body Armor - 4RNFT

  • 100m Reverse Sled Drag

  • 50 ft Handstand Walk (mod to :30 hold or practice)

  • 1:00 Double KB Front Rack hold

WOD - 12 min AMRAP

  • 10 HSPU

  • 100ft DB FR Walking Lunges (50/35)

  • 100m Sandbag Run

Wednesday 10/02

PUMPKIN IRON SHIRTS - pre-order is live ! Check out the google sheet link below to order OR email/DM us your sizes. Please let the entire page load first before typing it takes a few seconds. Payment will be due asap. Don’t miss out this pre-order will only be available through this Monday 10/07!!! 🎃🙌🏻

Don’t forget to vote daily ! - Health , Wellness & Beauty section with the subcategory CrossFit

Stay tuned for a special Halloween T-shirt drop!!

Strength - Every 90s x 8 Sets

  • 2-2-2-2-1-1-1-1 Hang Power Clean

  • Build based off feel


  • 10-8-6-4-2 Hang Power Cleans (155/105)

  • 100-80-60-40-20 DU

  • 25-20-15-10-5 T2B

Tuesday 10/01

It’s October 1st and that means that voting has officially opened up for Best of LI! Head over to and under the Health, Wellness & Beauty section you’ll see a CrossFit category with our name there.

TT24 will be November 16th! Our annual in-house competition is back. M/M or F/F teams, active CFU members only please. More details to come as well as a sign up sheet in our lobby. If you need a partner we can help you find one.

Strength - Every 2:00 x 6 Sets

  • 3-3-3-3-3-3 Deadlifts

  • Tap & Go, build based off feel

WOD - For Time

3 Rounds

  • 12 Deadlifts (225/155)

  • 400m Run

3 Rounds

  • 12 Lateral Burpees

  • 400m Run

Monday 09/30

We’ve been nominated!!! Starting tomorrow October 1st everyone will have the chance to vote for us daily through December 15th. In the category “Health, Wellness & Beauty” you’ll see a CrossFit section where you can choose our name to vote! Help us to a third time win!!

Body Armor - OTM x 12mins

  • 20 Hollow Tucks

  • 10 DB Rows ea arm

  • 12 DB Curls

WOD - 18 min AMRAP

  • 25 Wallballs (20/14)

  • 20 Alt DB Snatch (50/35)

  • 15 Box Jumps

  • 15/12 Cal Row