Monday 06/03
Thank you to everybody who came down for our trivia night to fund the Cerullo family !
Tomorrow (Tuesday 06/04) Allie from Clio Therapeutics will be here in the evening for free sports massages. If you didn’t see on our Instagram story we have 4 spots left; 4:40pm, 5:00pm, 5:20pm, & 5:40pm. This is first come first serve, please either send us a DM or email right away if you’d like to fill one of those time slots and we’ll confirm back asap if it’s still open.
Body Armor - Alt OTM x 4 RDS
Min 1 = 100m Sprint
Min 2 = 6 Strict Press @ 70%
Min 3 = 100m Sprint
Min 4 = :20 Side Plank ea.
WOD - Every 3:00 x 5 Rounds
18/15 Cal Row
10 DB Goblet Squats (50/35)
10 DB S2OH ea. arm