Thursday 05/23

Tomorrow is our annual Murph event ! There will be NO regular classes. We will be opening at 4pm for you all to settle in and start warming up. Around 4:45-4:50pm we will come together for our national anthem. At 5pm the first heat will start and 10 minutes later those wearing a vest will begin. Please feel free to hang around afterwards to cool down with any beverages or snacks !

Body Armor - 4RNFT

  • :20 Side Plank ea.

  • 10 Single leg glute bridges

  • 25 Hollow Tucks

  • :30 Wall sit

WOD - For Time

  • 750m Row

  • 200ft Bear Crawl

  • 50 Plate G2OH (45/25)

  • 200ft Bear Crawl

  • 750m Row