Tuesday 04/30
WHAT'S NEXT?! Every year we complete Hero WOD Murph together as a community. We always plan to schedule this event the Friday of Memorial Day weekend. This year it will be on May 24th. Doors will open at 4pm with a 5pm start time. Check out the official Murph Challenge website below and if you're interested in supporting the Michael Murphy foundation you can make a donation or purchase their annual T-shirt!
WOD - OTM x 20 mins (5 RDS)
Min 1 = 3 Deadlifts (275/185)
Min 2 = 10 Strict Pull ups
Min 3 = Max Cal Row
Min 4 = 1:00 Rest
Mid-line - 12:00 Clock Complete
2:00 L-Hang / 4:00 Tuck Hold
Every drop = 12 Hollow Tucks