Tuesday 12/03

If you did not receive the email we sent out please let us know so we can put you back on our list. (Check your spam folder too!)

We have new apparel ready to pre-order for the winter season! Please note that this order won't be in until after the holidays. The sweatshirts will be the same brand as our last few, Independent Trading Co. The plain black and navy zip-up are a heavyweight hooded sweatshirt and the dark tie dye option is a mid weight hoodie. We are also offering a long sleeve navy thermal, this will be true to size. Because this will be a big order for us we have to charge accounts only. Please contact us if you need to use a different account other than the one we use for your membership. Use the link below to order by December 9th. Contact us if you have trouble filling out the sheet, please let the entire page load first before typing.



Saturday December 14th - CFU's annual holiday party @ 7pm - pot-luck sheet in lobby if you would like to bring a dish or dessert, BYOB, adults only

Sunday December 15th  - CLOSED

Tuesday December 24th - Xmas Eve - 8:00am class only

Wednesday December 25th - CLOSED

Thursday December 26th - 8:00am and 4:30pm only

Tuesday December 31st - New Year's Eve - 8:00am class only

Wednesday January 1st - CLOSED

Thursday January 2nd - Normal schedule

Strength - Every 90s x 9 Sets

  • 3-3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1 Hang Power Cleans

  • Build based off feel

WOD - For Time


  • Hang Power Cleans

  • 3x DU

  • Push Jerks

  • Burpees