Friday 11/15
TT24 WOD 2 has been posted on our Instagram page ! A two part workout.
Video for WOD 3 will be released later this afternoon. Please watch all three videos before competing tomorrow.
Saturday - TT24 - NO REGULAR CLASSES - Doors at 8:00am with a mandatory athlete briefing at 8:40am. Please be here and checked in by this time. Keep all bags in the lobby because we will be constantly moving equipment and adjusting the gym set up. Parking - do not park across the street, your car will be locked in when they close up. Spectators are of course welcome !! Bring layers to warm up in/between workouts as well as plenty of hydration and snacks if needed.
Strength - OTM X 8 mins
1 Hang Power Clean
Build based off feel
WOD - For Total Rounds
7:00 AMRAP
15/12 Cal Row
10 T2B
15 Russian KB Swings (70/53)
2:00 Rest
7:00 AMRAP
15/12 Cal Row
10 T2B
100’ Front Rack KB Carry ea arm