Thursday 05/25

Tomorrow - Friday, May 26th - there are NO morning classes. The only time we will be open is for our annual Hero WOD “Murph”. A Memorial Day weekend tradition. This is a community event, all are welcome!
If this is your first time completing this workout we highly suggest cutting the whole thing in half. If you are unable to complete the middle portion as “Rx” we recommend against wearing a vest.

Doors @ 4pm - Citation reading and National Anthem @ 4:40pm - Non-vest heat @ 5:00pm - Vest heat 5:10pm - feel free to hang around afterwards!

Saturday & Sunday we will be running a normal schedule
Memorial Day Monday - 8:00am ONLY


  • 6 Deadlifts (225/155)

  • 3 Power Cleans

  • 500m Row

Post WOD - Double KB Holds 5 Rds

  • :20 Farmers Hold

  • :20 Front Rack Hold

  • :20 Overhead Hold

  • 1:00 Rest