Friday 05/26 - Hero WOD "Murph"

Today we will only be open in the evening for our “Murph” event. There will be no regular classes.

Doors at 4pm
Citation reading and national anthem at 4:40pm
Non-vest heat at 5pm
Vest heat at 5:10pm

Pull up bands, boxes, and rings will already be set up on a first come first serve basis as we move through this workout together. Please do not move what has already been set up.

First time? Try half! (800m run - 50 pull ups - 100 push ups - 150 squats - 800m run)

You may partition the middle portion as needed, but have to start and end with the runs.

When finished, write up your name and time on the board under the workout. Feel free to hang around afterwards with us!

Need help modifying a certain movement? Ask a coach and we will be happy to suggest another movement or modification.

Hero WOD “Murph” - Body Armor
For Time

  • 1 Mile Run

  • 100 Pull ups

  • 200 Push ups

  • 300 Squats

  • 1 Mile Run

    Weighted vest M: 20 W: 15