Wednesday 02/01
We will be splitting everyone who signs up into two teams. This will be for fun to see how we all stack up against each other as well as bragging rights!
Hello February! - We are going to give you all one more day to register with us to guarantee a shirt for our in-house Open!
If you have trouble filling out the sheet please contact us! Also please let the whole page load before typing.
OH we haven’t mentioned this in a while… if you sign up with us and complete all three Open WODs you’ll be entered to win a FREE month membership! (one male & one female will be chosen at random)
Teams will be announced next week - if you have not yet listed your division please do so by the end of the weekend. If you are unsure of a division, ask a coach.
Body Armor - 4RNFT
10 Bird Dogs ea. side
10 Single leg glute bridges ea. side
50ft Weighted crawl
WOD - For Time
21 Clean & Jerks (155/105)
1,000m Row
21 Clean & Jerks