Tuesday 01/31

Last day to register for our in-house Open and guarantee a shirt! -If you have trouble filling out the sheet contact us at any time.

Fridays : Feb 17th, Feb 24th & March 3rd we will be completing each Open workout. WODs are released Thursdays on games.crossfit.com with full standards for each division. During classes in the mornings (5:15am & 8:00am) there will be a quick warm up and review of the workout and we will split the class into two heats to complete the wods.
In the evenings we will open the doors at 4pm and from 4:30pm-6:30pm run heats on a first come first serve basis. When you arrive head over to the whiteboard to write your name in a heat. Warm ups will be on your own until your heat time is called up.


  • 15 KB Swings (53/36)

  • 15 Front Squats (115/85)

  • 15 Burpees

Post WOD Midline- 5 Rounds

  • :20sec Farmers Carry Hold

  • :20sec Front Rack Hold

  • :20sec Overhead Hold

  • 1:00 Rest