Wednesday 07/27
GYMNASTICS CLINIC TONIGHT! - if you registered class starts at 7:30pm. There are still two spots open for tonight’s session. Please use the google sheet to sign up.
If you did not receive the email that went out yesterday evening please contact us so we can get you back on our mail list.
New apparel! -We have a fresh new design coming at ya! Pre-order is through Thursday August 4th. Use the link below to claim your size and quantity. If you have trouble filling out the sheet please contact us.
T's will be the same as our previous "open" shirts or the last "lobster" design (women's tanks are the same cut as the "lobster" too). We have samples of the crop tanks and regular women's tanks in the lobby. We are working on getting the design photo of the men's tanks, but it will match the others.
Out of state, but don't want to miss out?! We can ship!
STRONGMAN - The next three upcoming Fridays at 6:30pm coach Esek will be hosting a fun class geared towards learning new movements that simulate "Strongman" training.
Each Friday will cover different movements such as yoke, farmers carry, logs, axel bars, stones, and tires. Expect to be here for about an hour and a half. Use the google sheet list (same as the gymnastic clinic sheet) scroll down to the strongman section and fill in which dates you are able to make. First class begins THIS FRIDAY! (current CFU members only please)
WOD- For Time
800m Run
55 Deadlifts (95/65)
800m Run
55 Push Press
800m Run
55 Power Cleans
800m Run