Monday 07/25


Wednesday- first gymnastics clinic (slots filled). Next Wednesday we will be running the same clinic so if you didn’t get a chance to register for this week there are still spaces left for the 3rd!

Friday- Strongman class with coach Esek. We are taking these next 3 Fridays to learn some new stuff! At 6:30pm each Friday for the 29th, 5th, and 12th classes will cover fun movements such as… yoke carry, log clean&press, axle bar lifts, stones, and so much more!

In the SAME google sheet as the gymnastics clinic, scroll down to find the signup for strongman. Please type in your name and which classes you are able to attend!

Body Armor- NFT

  • Accumulate 2:00 L-Hang or 4:00 Tuck hold

  • Every drop: Alt between 15 Banded Goodmornings & 15 Sit ups

WOD- 15 RFT (30:00 Cap)

  • 15/12 Cal Row

  • 12 Burpees