Wednesday 05/18

This Saturday- we will be closed due to cleaning and maintenance.

Sunday will resume with our normal schedule - 8am class followed by open gym 9am-11am

Strength- Every 2:00

  • 5x5 Back Squat @ 70% of 1RM

WOD- 5:00 AMRAP 5:00 Rest x 3 sets

Set 1: 100 DU Buy in

  • 12 T2B

  • 12 Thrusters (95/65)

Set 2: 100 DU Buy in

  • 9 T2B

  • 9 Front Squats

SET 3: 100 DU Buy in

  • 6 T2B

  • 6 Squat Clean Thrusters

Score = Total T2B + Barbell mvt