Friday 02/25 (22.1)
Happy Open season!!!
Today 5:15am and 8am classes will run as usual.
In the evening: Doors will open at 4pm
We will have up on the white board heat times as well as a certain amt of male and female spaces per heat because of the DBs & boxes needed. We hope to be able to run about 10-12 people per heat so there will be plenty of chances to complete the workout.
Heat slots are on a first come first serve basis. We cannot “hold” a spot open or “reserve” any spaces ahead of time . When you come down to the gym in the evening check out the heat times and write your name in.
For the full WOD description, scaled version, and other standards check out
OPEN WOD 22.1 : 15 min AMRAP
3 Wall Walks
12 Alt. DB Snatch (50/35)
15 Box Jump Overs (24/20)