Wednesday 01/05

Just stepping into our 3rd day in the challenge and we've gotten a few good questions, so just wanted to clear some confusion about the point system.

If you've been on the fence still and want to jump in now is the time!

Nutrition - you have 3 points for the day that are yours to keep if you eat completely clean. If however you had say for example: rice with a meal, you loose one of those points. A different example would be: a sandwich which contained bread, cheese, and dressing, you will loose all 3 points.

Each points is per item that's a "no go" - NOT per each meal... you can have as many meals/snacks are you want as long as every item it paleo approved you'll keep all your points! (adjust your points if needed from the last couple days)

All items that we sell at the gym such as Ascent, FitAid, and FuelForFire are approved for this challenge!

READ LABELS!!!!! There are so many hidden sugars in literally everything... even though the "nutrition facts" might say 0 added sugars be sure to read the ingredients list!!! Hidden names like dextrose, fructose, sucralose,etc. try to stay away from or loose a point!

Mobility - at least 10 mins of stretching on your own. There are a few apps you use to help too. ROMWOD, GoWOD, or YouTube is great to find a quick yoga routine too. Hit 10 mins on your own each day you can keep that 1 mobility point!

WOD - got to class and hit the WOD? Awesome! Keep that 1 workout point! - not going to be able to make it down to the gym, but go on a run instead? Excellent! Keep your 1 point. Body weight AMRAP's at home are also a great substitution. Walking your dog unfortunately does not count towards this workout point... the reason being is that we're trying to get our heart rate up!

Didn't make it down and didn't get a chance to workout on your own...loose that point

Hydration - every day to keep your 1 point for hydration you have to consume at least 1/2 your body weight in ounces of water. Try to spread this out through the whole day.

Body Armor- 4RNFT

  • 10 Double DB Floor Press

  • 10 Single leg DB RDL ea side

  • 12 Banded pull aparts

  • 15 sit ups

WOD- For Time


  • Wallwalks

  • Deadlifts (275/185)

  • DU (20-40-60-80-100)