Monday 06/07-lifting class continuation
Lifting class - we will continue BOTH the “experienced” and “new” class together on Tuesday nights 7:15pm for the next 4 weeks starting tomorrow. If you did not check in with us and want to continue please let us know as soon as you can! If you did check in with us we will see you tomorrow anyway!
Lifeguard Hat pre-order- today is the last day! Use the google link below to fill out your order. If you have trouble filling out the sheet send us your order (
Strength- Every 90s x 8 sets
Squat Clean Thrusters
build to a heavy single
WOD- For Time
3 Rounds
15 Power Cleans (115/85)
12 Thrusters
9 Lateral Burpees
3 Rounds
15 Power Cleans (95/65)
12 Thrusters
9 Lateral Burpees