Friday 06/04
Tonight is the last session for our “experienced” Oly group! We’re looking to extend for another 4 weeks but combining classes together and holding the future 4 on Tuesdays at 7:15pm. If you were in either class session and would like to continue contact us ASAP. If we have enough interest we will make a final decision by this weekend.
We are going to do a SUPER QUICK pre-order for our new lifeguard hats!!!
Usually we give more time for pre-orders, but since the manufacturing process will take about 6 weeks we want to get the numbers in ASAP so we can enjoy them for as long as summer sticks around! Expect for them to be in around mid-July.
Click the link to pre-order as many as you would like, list if you want to bring in cash or charge your account. Accounts will be charged Tuesday 06/08. If you have trouble filling out the sheet respond back to us with your quantity and we will put you on the list. (More new stuff coming soon-stay tuned)
WOD- 20 min AMRAP
200m Run
7 Deadlifts (225/155)
7 T2B