Friday 03/12 (21.1)

Here it is the first Open WOD of 2021! Today class will be run a little different, half the class will perform the entire WOD while the other half judges/counts then we will switch.

Open Tshirts are on the front table in the lobby! Pick yours up when you come down!

First time seeing wallwalks in the open so we will be going over all the standards as well as a scaling option. Scaling for double unders will be singles and the same number.

WOD- For Time (15:00 cap)

  • 1 Wallwalk + 10 DU

  • 3 Wallwalks + 30 DU

  • 6 Wallwalks + 60 DU

  • 9 Wallwalks + 90 DU

  • 15 Wallwalks + 150 DU

  • 21 Wallwalks + 210 DU
