Thursday 12/02
We had a weird glitch with our apparel preorder sheet last night- all is good now! - if you can before Sunday go back in and check that all your items are there and correct. If you see a little check mark next to your name it means your account was already run for the items listed.
If you added items and have a check mark already please let us know so we can run the new item added.
Body Armor- 3RNFT
15 Weighted Sit ups
5 Wall Walks
WOD - 5:00 on 5:00 off X 3
50 Ft. Front Rack DB Walking Lunge
12 BMU
10 DB Hang Power Clean
50 ft. Front Rack DB Walking Lunge
12 C2B
10 DB Front Squats
50 ft. Front Rack DB Walking Lunge
12 Pull ups
10 DB Push Jerks