Wednesday 12/01


New apparel released!!! Must have your order on our google sheet by this Sunday Dec 5th!! Everything is going out of stock really quickly!

If you have trouble filling out the sheet send us an email with your complete order ( Please let the whole page load before selecting a box to type in

Zip-up photo will be coming out later this morning. (Pull-overs will be slate blue and zip-ups will be charcoal gray, both a heavyweight sweatshirt)

Beanies - we will only have 45 available so it is first come first serve on the list! Due to production time we won’t expect these in until mid-January (hopefully sooner!)

Strength- Every 90s x 8 sets

  • 2-2-2-2-1-1-1-1

  • Power Snatch - build based off feel


  • 8 Power Snatches

  • 8 Lateral Burpees

    RDs 1&2 (115/85)

    RDs 3&4 (95/65)

    RDs 5&6 (75/55)