Friday 11/05

Tomorrow Saturday - no classes- annual Turkey Tourney in-house competition.
Doors at 8am - Mandatory athlete briefing 8:40am please be here by this time - First WOD Strength Ladder starts 9am sharp!

Be sure to watch WODs 1, 2 & 3 standard videos on our social media pages before coming down to compete tomorrow.

Bring layers to keep warm, snacks/drinks for between workouts and remember to keep hydrated.

Each athlete will need to check-in in the lobby to receive your shirt and team folder that will have all of your score sheets in it as well.

Strength- Every 2:00

  • 5 x 5 Front Squat

  • 70% of 1RM

WOD- 10 min AMRAP

  • 9 Thrusters (75/55)

  • 35 DU