At home Cf games open??

You read that right. CF headquarters is doing something awesome to help support us as well! A three week online competition, but at home! To participate it is completely free however there is an option to donate towards YOUR box… meaning CFU!

Rumor has it that the first workout will be released this Friday 04/03, of course we will be programming these into our daily wods too! For more information go to

At home WOD- 3 Rounds for time

  • 20 Single Leg Glute Bridge (R)

  • :30 side Plank (R)

  • 10 Jumping Lunge

  • 400m run

  • 10 Jumping Lunge

  • :30 side plank (L)

  • 20 Single leg glute bridge (L)

Single Leg Glute Bridge= Preform a regular glute bridge but one leg is kicked straight out and one foot planted on the floor
