New elemeNt in challenge

Week 2 addition : 

Starting today (Monday 3/30) we are adding an element this week to our challenge. WATER! It is super important to always keep hydrated. Goal: earn a point by daily consuming the appropriate amount of water your body needs. How much? Half of your body weight in ounces of water should be consumed daily. If you do not reach that goal you do not receive a point. 

All other points to be earned will remain the same as last week, so now your max daily point balance will be 5. This coming week we plan on announcing a couple more mini social media challenges to earn a bonus point so stay tuned into that as well! 

Try to have this last week's points filled into your line on the google sheet. This afternoon I will be adding up the totals and wiping the week clean to start again. The totals will be to the right of Sunday and at the end of our 4 weeks your total points will be added up!

At home WOD- 20 min AMRAP

Deck of Cards- randomly pick a card and complete the movement that suit calls. Complete the number of reps on the card that you pull and then move onto another card. Keep going until 20 minutes is up.

  • Hearts = Push Ups

  • Spades = Jumping Lunges

  • Diamonds = Sit ups

  • Clubs = Air Squats

  • Joker = 15 Burpees

    Ace= 1 Rep

    Jack= 11 Reps

    Queen= 12 Reps

    King = 13 Reps
