Fitaid <3’s us!

The company “LifeAid” where FitAid was created is doing an awesome part in helping YOUR CrossFit box! Any 24 can or full case purchase a portion of your total will be coming back to CFU during this time of closure.

We know you all love this stuff and how it’s so hard to keep it on the shelves. Most have been craving it since closure so here’s your chance to grab some beverages and help support us as well! Use the link below to order, this is our own personal link for CFU!

At home WOD-

  • :15 Plank + :15 Rest

  • :30 Plank + :30 Rest

  • :45 Plank + :45 Rest

  • 1:00 Plank + 1:00 Rest

  • Max Plank + 1:00 Rest

  • Max Plank

These sets are meant to be unbroken. Adjust times if needed.