Hey weekend !


Usually we don’t post on the weekends but during this circumstance we’ve decided to keep the at home wods flowing!

Remember if you’re participating in our 4 week challenge to mark in your daily points. There’s still time if you haven’t already sent us your mini challenge pics/videos

At home WOD-

Part 1= 3 RNFT

  • 10 Split Squats ea. Leg

  • :20 Side Plank hold ea. Arm

  • 10 Squat Thrusts

  • 20 Flutter Kicks

Part 2= 8 Rounds (alt. Tabata :20on :10 off)

  • Wall Sit

  • Push Ups

Split Squat- like a Lunge but the back leg is elevated onto something; chair, couch, etc… Trying to achieve full depth.