Fitaid ok!


GOOD NEWS: We have decided to let FitAid be an acceptable beverage during this challenge! Along with protein powder (recommended brand Ascent)

Keep an eye on our social media pages for our next mini challenge. Remember you can earn a bonus point for sending/tagging us in our little random challenges. We’ve been loving the creativity and we’re going to keep the ideas fresh and fun!

Use the google sheet to keep track of your points. At the end of the week Dom will total everything and clean up the board to start new for next week!

At home WOD- 3:00 AMRAP 1:00 Rest x 4

  • 10 Hollow Tucks

  • 14 Mountain Climbers

  • 30 DU

Hollow tucks- start in a Hollow position then tuck your knees into chest and almost come up onto your butt. Return back to the Hollow position with shoulders and feet off the floor.

Mountain climbers - Begin in a Plank, alternate feet one at a time up to your wrist and then back to the plank position. Every time your foot comes up counts as a rep

DU- if you do not have double unders, singles will be x2, or modify number. If you do not have a jump rope mod by doing jumping jacks or high knees in place.