Challenge starts!


Who is going stir crazy already?! I know we are!! We're doing our best to keep motivated, keep moving, and soak up any sunshine that we can. For those who saw our social media video about up coming challenges, here they are!! Attached is a google sheet to use for your daily point system. If you're unable to use the sheet you can always send us your points via e-mail or social media. We made it super simple to use. This is an honor system!!!! Please be truthful when writing in your points. 

This is a 4 week challenge (unless we can get back into the gym faster!!) For our first week starting Monday (tomorrow 3/23) the max amount of points you can earn daily is 5. As the weeks go on we will be adding in additional items for you to earn points! 

+1 for our daily wod: seen on our website and social media pages

+1 for daily mobility: 10-15 minutes of stretching 

+1 for an extra activity outside: minimum of 15 minutes -walk, jog, bike. If it's raining, come up with something unique (example, extra inside wod) 

+1 for avoiding sugar BUT if you were not able to avoid sugar for the day -1 point from your earned points for the day. This does not mean you are subject to a specific diet.. we are avoiding sugar as a whole. 

+1 BONUS POINT for participating in our social media mini challenges. If you tagged or sent us a picture/video add a point to your total.

Send us your pics/videos too! We want to see what you're up to. 

Let's keep this community spark going. Near or far if you want to participate use this google sheet link to begin! Top male and Top female scores will be announced week to week. After 4 weeks we will announce the final winners and they will receive a prize!

Home WOD- 15 min On the minute:

  • 15 Jumping Jacks

  • 10 Dips (off chair/bench etc…)

  • 12 Lunges

if you can no longer hold the OTM switch over to an amrap