Wednesday 12/22
Schedule reminder going into the next 2 weeks for the holidays
This Thursday 12/24- 7am & 8am classes only for xmas eve
This Friday 12/25 - Closed for xmas
This Sunday 12/27 - Paleo baseline wod 8am
Next Tuesday 12/29 - 6:30pm Make up baseline wod during open gym
Next Thursday 12/31 - Morning classes + 4:30pm for NYE
Next Friday 01/01/2021 - Closed for New Years Day + Paleo challenge starts!!
Sunday January 31st- Paleo challenge ends - baseline wod 8am
Paleo Challenge overview : January 1st - 31st
Let's kick off 2021 on a fresh and healthy note!
Meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts/seeds, no sugar.
-There are a ton of online resources to help guide you along with the Paleo diet, but to simplify it, if you really follow the statement above you won't have to question food choices. WE ARE EATINGREAL FOOD! If it comes out of a box or if it is processed, it is not allowed. Be aware though that some sources will contradict others. "If you can grow it or kill it, eat it" - this is the most simplified way of eating.
- No dairy - No alcohol/energy drinks -
- Muscle Up Paleo - - a great resource to use for meals! They are already prepared and get delivered either right here at CFU twice a week or to your own home! You have the freedom to customize your meal choices as well that are on the menu. Orders should be placed a week prior (more specifics coming soon on how/when to order).
- Point system - google doc sheet to come - 3 points per day to earn for diet (used dressing on a salad? take a point away, etc..) - 1 point for workout (at least 10-15 minutes of getting your heart rate up) - 1 point for mobility (10-15 minutes long) - 1 point for water consumption (1/2 body weight in ounces per day) - potential bonus challenges to look out for as well.
- $30 entry fee due by Jan 1st - 1 male + 1 female winner (prizes announced at a later date, but bragging rights also come with the victory)
- Ascent brand protein/recovery water allowed only (right before/after wods, NOT to be used as a meal replacement) - all Fitaid products are also allowed for this challenge
-Although we are not requiring it we highly recommend taking "before/after" pics/measurements to see how far you've come after 31 days!
We will keep you updated as the date gets closer with more specifics and a point sheet. If you have any questions at all please contact us at any time.
Strength- Every 2:00 x 5
5 Front Squats @65-75% of 1RM
25 Wallballs (20/14)
45 DU (75 Singles)
25 Pull ups
45 DU