Head, Heart, Hands...
“Head, Heart, Hands. This concept is from Jim Kwik. Every action originates as a thought in our head. But execution is a whole another story. It doesn’t go head -> hands. There’s a step between that decides if it makes it. The heart. It’s the emotional connection. Our level of buy-in. We could have the most grandiose plan of all time, but if we aren’t bought in fully with our heart… we know it will never work. Our life is directly proportional to the level of commitment we have to our chosen path. To the buy-in to our plan. As we move through our day, let’s consider this concept of Head, Heart, Hands. Is our heart bought into where we are spending our time? Or are we finding that we’re moving through the motions? Head, Heart, Hands. Our reasons are what reaps our results.”
Friday 5/24 - Hero WOD Murph 5:30pm Start
Memorial Day Monday 5/27 - 8:00am Class only
800m Run
40 KB Swings (53/36)
40 Wall balls (20/14)
Body Armor - 3 RNFT
5 Walk outs
30 Russian Twists (45/25)
Max Plank hold