Polar ladies

Shout out to some of our incredible ladies who took the plunge yesterday at the annual Polar Bear Plunge at Long Beach! Proceeded went to Make a Wish Foundation. You could have not asked for a better day to jump into that cold water! Way to represent!

Strength - every 90 sec x 6 sets

  • 0:00- 3 Front Squats @ 75%

  • 1:30- 2 FS @ 80%

  • 3:00- 1 FS @ 85%

  • 4:30, 6:00, 7:30- 1 FS @ 90%

*** After each set preform 6 HSPU, 10 Push Ups, or 2 wall walks ***

WOD- every min on the minute x 10mins

  • 20 DU

  • 1 Squat Clean Thruster (inc weight every round)
