November member shout out
Wednesday 12/4/19
November member shoutout: Staci Herbst
Big shout out to Staci!! She has been working so hard over the last few months. Coming into the world of CrossFit a little nervous I think it’s safe to say she’s found her love for it. She even got her first rope climb last week! We’ve noticed her strength and stamina have increased tremendously so we’re excited to see her continue working hard and crushing goals! Keep up the great work Staci!
Skill/Strength- 12 min AMRAP
7 Strict pull ups + 50’ Handstand walk
5 Strict T2B + 50’ Handstand walk
3 Ring MU + 50’ Handstand walk
WOD- 20 min AMRAP
50 Wallballs (20/14)
40/30 Cal Row
30 T2B
20 Alt DB Snatch (50/35)