SchEdule reminders


This Saturday- mobility workshop at 9:00am - use the link to fill out a quick waiver and questionnaire for Dr. Cat Powell! Class will start at 10:00am D5FzgfoNz5eobkpt5

Thursday- November 28th - 8:30am WOD only for Thanksgiving. We are closed the rest of the day

Saturday December 7- Annual Turkey Tourney! 9am doors, 9:15am briefing, 9:30am WOD 1 start.

Saturday December 14- Annual Holiday Party! Start time TBA. Followed by Sunday Dec 15th- no open gym

NEW WINTER APPAREL PRE-ORDER COMING SOON! Stay tuned! We’re super excited to share a new design with you guys and hope you love it as much as we do!

Strength - Every 90s x 8 sets

  • 2 Hang Power Snatches + 2 Power Snatches

  • Start at 50% and build

WOD- For Time

  • 1,000m Row

  • 30 Power Snatches (115/85)

  • 1,000m Row