Hello Monday!


Last week we sent out an e-mail regarding our upcoming Strongman Class! If you are interested and have not sent a response e-mail to us, please do so as soon as possible! We need to have a head count and finalize details. (contact@cfundertow.com) First class begins the 20th of Jan.

Skill/Strength - OTM x 6

  • 5-8 HSPU + Power Cleans

  • 3-3-2-2-1-1 (50%, 60%, 70%)

WOD - 20 min AMRAP

  • 24/18 Cal Row

  • 50 DU

  • 3 rounds “Chief” (1 Rd = 3 PC (135/95) + 6 Push ups + 9 Air Squats)