Live today
“When you have one foot in the past, and one in the future, you piss on the present.” - Dan Harris
”It’s tempting to dream about the future, and far too easy to dwell on the past. Being present, here and now, is often the most challenging of the three. When we think of the underlying reason why one would study the past and to plan the future, we can come to the agreement there’s a singular purpose- to make today our very best. There is never a reason to not pursue that aim, well knowing that today could very well be our last. Happiness is not something we postpone to the future; it is something we design for the present.”
Skill - Recovery rowing & Ring MU (Strict pull ups)
WOD- 3 Rounds
21/15 Cal Row
7 Pull Ups
7 T2B
7 C2B
Right into 3 Rounds
9 Power Cleans (135/95)
9 Push Jerks