Member Shout out!!!

Our November member shout out is Victor Olivero! As a former lax player, and now lax coach, Victor took to CrossFit very well! He works so hard day in and day out to crush his goals. You’ll catch him at open gym almost every day working on skills and strengths. We know he’s looking to crush his goal of a 200lb squat clean very soon so look out for that and give him a big cheer! Victor is no stranger to lending a helping hand and we are very grateful for that!! Congrats to Victor and keep up the great work!

Don’t miss our on our apparel sale! Pre-order is happening now through December 7th. Click the link below to fill out the google sheet or email us your order if you cannot edit the page.

Skill/Strength - Not for time:

  • 50’ Handstand walk or 45 sec practice

  • 5-4-3-2-1 Strict pull ups (use a med ball or DBs between feet to add weight)

WOD - For Time: 30-25-20-15-10

  • Cal Row

  • 16 Alt. DB Snatch

  • 200m Sandbag run (pending weather)
