

Congrats all around to the 52 athletes that competed at our 3rd annual Turkey Tourney!!! It was for sure a day to remember.

We saw a LOT of PR lifts, competitors pushed them selves like never before, and some blood sweat and tears.

THANK YOU to everyone who lent a helping hand moving equipment and setting up in the short amount of time we had. Couldn’t have run so smooth without all of your help!

I would call it a great success! HERE’S TO NEXT YEAR!!

WOD - Every 4:00 x 5 Rounds

  • 21/15 Cal Row

  • 9 Lateral Burpees

  • 6 Power Snatch (135/95)

Body Armor - 3 RNFT

  • 8 Push Press (4 sec decent)

  • 8 Bent over barbell rows

  • Max L-sit/ Tuck Hold