Turkey Tourney final details

Doors will open at 9am
Athlete briefing at 9:15am
WOD 1 start at 9:30am, ladies teams first then mens teams.

We will be making heat assignments for WOD 2 and WOD 3. From there the top 6 Male and Female teams will move onto the Semifinals then the top 4 teams will move onto the Finals!

Please watch the standards videos before coming in to compete Saturday. Spectators welcome. There is an empty lot directly across the street from our driveway if our lot is full, please don’t park next door in the deli/Peter’s Fruit.


  • 21/15 Cal Row

  • 12 Deadlifts

  • 9 Hang Power Cleans

  • 6 Push Jerks

  • 2 min Rest