Thursday 06/27

If you did not receive our email that went out Tuesday please let us know so we can get you back on the list!

Tuesday - July 2nd - new apparel pre-order ends! Contact us RIGHT AWAY if you need help with the google sheet... please let the entire page load before typing sometimes it takes a few seconds.
W-Tanks ($20) - true to size, tri-blend & moisture-wicking
W - Crop T ($25)- a boxy oversize fit, we have samples in the lobby! 60/40 combed ring-spun cotton/polyester.
Men's T ($30) - "comfort colors" brand, 100% cotton but virtually no shrinkage, relaxed fit
Google sheet link:

Thursday - 4th of July - 8:00am class only

WOD - 4:00 AMRAP + 2:00 Rest x 5 RDS

  • 20 KB Swings (53/36)

  • 400m Run

  • Max Burpees