Monday 05/20
This Friday 05/24 there will be no regular classes due to our annual hero workout “Murph”. We will open up at 4pm and right before 5pm take a moment for our national anthem and a citation reading. From there will have two heats. Heat 1 will begin on the 00:00 for anyone not wearing a vest and 10 mins later heat two will begin for those wearing a vest.
If this is your very first time completing Murph we highly suggest modifying this workout to complete half. Any way you modify you must start and end with the runs. The middle portion can be partitioned how ever you’d like.
If you have any questions before Friday please feel free to contact us at any time !
WOD - OTM x 25 mins
25 Sit ups
10 Power Cleans (115/85)
12 Lateral Burpees
Max Cal Row
1:00 Rest