Friday 04/26
TOMORROW! Our annual competition the Spring Fling is here ! No regular classes. Sundays schedule will still remain the same.
Athletes please be here, checked in, and ready to go by 8:40am for our mandatory briefing. Doors will open at 8:00am and workout 1 will begin at 9:00am sharp! We expect to be done and handing out awards by 1pm .
Spectators are welcome !
SF24 WOD 2 a two part workout ✌🏻🌊 Part 1 = 100 Cal Row (5:00 cap) Score total time or total reps. Part 2 = Total reps of synchro burpees + thrusters. Please review all standards by watching our videos on social media before coming down to compete Saturday 🙌🏻 Workout 3 will be released later today.
WOD - OTM x 30 mins
Min 1 = 15/12 Cal Row
Min 2 = 20 Push ups
Min 3 = 10 Strict T2B
Min 4 = 20 G2OH (45/25)
Min 5 = 20 Groiners