Thursday 12/05
Don’t forget to pre-order our new apparel through this Monday December 9th. Hoodie samples are in the lobby.
Our annual holiday party is next Saturday the 14th at 7:00pm. You can find the pot-luck sheet in our lobby if you would like to bring a dish/dessert jot it down so we don’t have too many extras ! BYOB, adults only please, and significant others are of course welcome !
Body Armor - OTM x 12
50 ft Handstand Walk
25 Banded Curls
:40 Glute Bridge Hold
WOD - For Time
30/24 Cal Row
3 Rounds :
12 Wallballs (20/14)
9 T2B
30/24 Cal Row
3 Rounds :
12 Wallballs
30/24 Cal Row