Monday 05/22

This Friday we will be completing Hero WOD “Murph” together as a community! If this is your first time with this workout we highly suggest cutting it in half. If you are unable to complete this workout as prescribed please refrain from wearing a vest during the middle portion of the workout. What IS this wod?!
For Time: 1 Mile Run - 100 Pull ups - 200 Push ups - 300 Squats - 1 Mile Run
You may partition the middle any way. Feel free to hang around afterwards! Doors at 4pm, citation reading and national anthem at 4:40pm, non-vest heat will begin at 5pm with the vest heat following 10 minutes behind.
We will be closed in the morning this day, no regular classes.

Strength - Every 2:00 x 4 Sets

  • 5 Strict Press + 5 Push Press

  • Unbroken sets - build based off feel

WOD - 15 min AMRAP

  • 50 DU

  • 21/18 Cal Row

  • 4 S2OH (185/135)