Thursday 02/16
Today the first WOD of the 2023 CrossFit Games will be announced. Head over to to check out all the details. After the workout is announced all full standards and wod breakdowns will be listed on the site for each division. We will be following the same rules/standards here at CFU.
Tomorrow 5:15am & 8:00am classes (completing 23.1 of course) then at 4pm we’ll be opening our doors to get ready to kick off the first heat at 4:30pm. Warm ups will be on your own so plan accordingly and give yourself enough time!
Body Armor - 4RNFT
10 Bentover barbell rows
:20sec side plank ea.
10 Banded Walks ea. way
25 Banded curls
Conditioning - For Time
250m Row + 1:00 Rest
500m Row + 1:00 Rest
1,000m Row + 1:00 Rest
500m Row + 1:00 Rest
250m Row