Thursday 11/02
If you did not receive the email that went out yesterday regarding TT23 info and the link for our new hoodie order please let us know so we can get you back on our email list! (Check your spam folder too)
Heading into this weekend we just wanted to send out a brief overview of what Saturday will look like. There will be no regular classes due to our annual in-house competition. If you are not competing you are of course welcome to come watch!!
Doors - 8:00am, check your team in to receive shirts and score sheets, begin warm ups on your own
Mandatory Athlete Briefing - 8:40am, please be in the building by this time
WOD 1 - 9:00am start, strength ladder
From there the following two workouts tend to be on the hour. Top 6 teams will be heading into the semi-finals at 12 pm with finals for the top 4 teams shortly after. We hope to be handing out awards by 1pm.
We highly suggest bringing layers, hydration, snacks, and most importantly double checking if all your gym equipment is ready to go in your bag.
The video for WOD 1 is posted on our social media pages. Please be sure to view all the workout video standards before coming down to compete on Saturday. (WODs 2 & 3 will be posted today and tomorrow)
Click the google sheet link below to view and place your pre-order. Please let the entire page load first before typing. If you have trouble filling out the sheet contact us with your sizes and quantities.
All sweatshirts are a heavyweight "Independent Trading" hoodie. The only light weight sweatshirt is the black camo zip-up.
Strength - Every 90s x
1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch
Build to a heavy complex
WOD- Rounds + Total Time
10 min AMRAP :
30 DU
8 Lateral Burpees
4 Power Snatch (115/85)
Rest 5:00
For Time
20 Power Snatch
40 Lateral Burpees
100 DU