Tuesday 10/31 - happy halloween

Happy Halloween!!! Let’s see those costumes today!

For the entire day each class will be “power hour” style. Meaning every 20:00 we will be switching over to a new movement to establish a 1RM.

“Sweat Rx” class tonight will also be switched over to this structured lifting class.

Friday 11/03 will NOT be a strength day due to the turkey tourney.

At the end of class we will take your max set of each lift to total up together for your score.

As soon as you come in today please start to grab a barbell, rack, weights and begin the suggested warm up. We are going to start with the strict press right away.

Suggested warm up as soon as you arrive and have your bar set : 2 Rounds - 10 banded pull aparts, 5 squat and stands, 5 strict press, 5 good mornings , 5 back squats, 20 Jumping Jacks

00:00-20:00 Strict Press

  • Establish a 1RM

20:00-40:00 Back Squat

  • Establish a 1RM

40:00-60:00 Deadlift

  • Establish a 1RM