Monday 07/11 - 6 years!!!!
Happy SIX YEARS!!! Time really does fly when you’re having fun! It feels like just yesterday we opened up for our first classes here at CFU.
Thank you to everyone who continues to support us and our dreams. You all are like family to us and we wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you.
Come help us celebrate this Saturday at 6:30pm. Pot luck style - bring any appetizer, dish, or dessert - BYOB - significant others welcome.
We will be announcing our annual superlative winners at 8pm - cast your votes in the lobby by Saturday! Following that we will have our “pie a coach fundraiser”. Want some revenge on a coach for maybe a sh*tty WOD that was programmed?! All proceeds will go towards new equipment! (Cash or Venmo)
We will be closed this Sunday 07/17
Today we will be hitting our annual anniversary WOD that consists of some fun movements loved by us both (Pat & Dom) - we know there has been a lot of running programmed, if you need to modify you could always row or ski!
Body Armor- 4RNFT
6-10 Strict Pull Ups
10 Single Leg Glute Bridge ea.
10 Banded Pull Aparts (down and up)
50 ft Weighted Crawl
WOD- For Time
Buy in : 800m Run
Wall Balls (20/14)
3x DUs
Buy out: 800m Run