Tuesday 02/01

HELLO FEBRUARY!!!! - today is the last full day of the paleo challenge! We can’t believe how quickly 30 days went! Make sure all your points are on the sheet.

On the fence to complete the Open with us?! Take a look at todays photo- this is a WOD back from 20.2 - if you notice there is a “Rx” division as well as a “Scaled” division. It gives everyone a chance to participate especially if you’ve been in between Rx-ing and scaling wods.
The open is a great way to really test your fitness and what we have been “training” for all year round!
Shirt sizes need to be in by the end of the day please!


Strength- Every 90s x 6 sets

  • 3 Strict Press @ 75% of 1RM

WOD- 4:00 on 4:00 off x 3 rounds

  • 20-15-10 DB Box Step Overs (50/35)

  • 20-15-10 T2B

  • Max Cal Row