Monday 01/31

Back to normal today after this crazy storm! Old Dock Rd is still pretty messy so please take caution when heading down here !
Reminder starting this Thursday will be our adjusted schedule through the 15th with a few morning closures. (Refer to the “schedule” tab to see)

CFU OPEN - don’t forget to claim your shirts through tomorrow (02/01) via google sheet link

Open wods will be completed each Friday (02/25, 03/04 & 03/11) morning classes will run as usual and then in the evening between 4:30pm-6:30pm come down and sign up for your chosen heat time! Contact us with any questions!! This is a great way to test your fitness every year and now be in the running for a free month membership if you competed the wods with us!

Strength- OTM x 8

  • 2-2-2-2-1-1-1-1 Power Snatch

  • build based off feel

WOD- For Time

  • 75 Power Snatches (75/55)

  • Every minute = 30 DU