Tuesday 01/11

Paleo challenge BONUS POINT!! - Post/Share& Tag us (@crossfitundertow) with a photo of your favorite paleo friendly meal you’ve discovered so far!! If you don’t do social media send us an email with a picture & recipe (contact@cfundertow.com)
We have highlighted on our Instagram page a few from the last challenge too that we plan to add to!
This will earn you 1 bonus point for this week!

Strength- every 2:00 x 5 sets

  • 3 Strict Press + 3 Push Press

  • build based off feel

WOD- For Time

  • 100 DU

  • 1,000m Row

  • 60 DB OH Stationary Lunges (50/35)

  • 1,000m Row

  • 100 DU