Friday 07/09

07-09-2016 - FIVE years ago we hosted a grand opening celebration/WOD for CFU! Wow how time has flown by!
07-11-2016 - CFU officially opens for classes! We wanted to post this today because we usually don’t post on the weekends here on our site, but cannot thank you all enough for your continued support.
What a ride it has been.
So many memories.
Tons of milestones for all of our members.
So much has happened within these past 5 years and we are looking forward to see what the future holds!

From the bottom of our hearts… thank you CFU for this journey.

WOD- For Time

  • 3 Rounds “Cindy”

  • 12 Squat Clean Thrusters (135/95)

  • 3 Rounds “Cindy”

  • 9 S.C.Thrusters

  • 3 Rounds “Cindy”

  • 6 S.C.Thrusters

    Rest 2:00

  • 2k Row (or 1 mile run pending weather)